System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
Name Default message text
Current message text
userlogin-createanother (talk) (Translate) Create another account
userlogin-helplink2 (talk) (Translate) Help with logging in
userlogin-joinproject (talk) (Translate) Join {{SITENAME}}
Join the wiki and fill it with wisdom
userlogin-loggedin (talk) (Translate) You are already logged in as {{GENDER:$1|$1}}. Use the form below to log in as another user.
userlogin-noaccount (talk) (Translate) Don't have an account?
You're not an editor? You are now!
userlogin-reauth (talk) (Translate) You must log in again to verify that you are {{GENDER:$1|$1}}.
userlogin-remembermypassword (talk) (Translate) Keep me logged in
userlogin-resetpassword-link (talk) (Translate) Forgot your password?
userlogin-signwithsecure (talk) (Translate) Use secure connection
userlogin-yourname (talk) (Translate) Username
userlogin-yourname-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter your username
userlogin-yourpassword (talk) (Translate) Password
userlogin-yourpassword-ph (talk) (Translate) Enter your password