Writing:Found active focus but looking for some guidance

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Hi my name is Liam and I last had -1.75 and -1.5 and some minor astigmatism about 3 years ago and I stopped using glasses at that time. I will try to keep this short.

Basically I found active focus 2 months ago and can focus on things from way farther then I am normally able to and hold it for about a minute. I spend a lot of time on my phone though in my current life (very soon to change). I have definitely gotten used to blur over those years but I can still get my brain to recognise blur and adapt to it, even with things that are not man made. My question is should I bother with wearing lenses now to encourage me to focus or do you think I can do without. Also should I be practicing small writing close up or is it ok to only do distance vision? Also in your experience is it faster improvement if you are trying to read writing or just focusing in the distance at objects? I can imagine this gets pretty hard once everything looks relatively “clear”. Thanks if someone bothers to answer my stupid questions.

Also I will promise to leave an update on my progress. Thanks